“Ye Tumhari meri Baatein”: Confidence ft. Ishan’s Pants

Ishan Yash
5 min readJun 30, 2022

Ok, so first things first, “Ye Tumhari meri Baatein” is the series’ name and the Title of this blog is “Confidence”. My amazing friend Parth (@ParthPande6 -Twitter @parthpande5 -Instagram) has chosen the name of the series, which is obviously “Ye Tumhari meri Baatein” Happy Parth? 🤣

This was written around September 2021, Things have gone berserk during the time being, but I find this funny today (June 2022) and somewhat amazing (retrospectively) how I used to think and process things one year ago. Enjoy 😝

This blog is some sort of a life hack, which has been constantly practiced by yours truly Ishan, in any and every situation faced. Yeah you have guessed it right, by being confident, to have faith in yourself. Yes, that was it, End of the blog. Bye! see you in the next blog.


So, yes I will share some of the incidents where I managed to get through by just being confident enough. Trust me, either you get through or you learn what are the things you need not be doing the next time you face something similar.

The Wardrobe Malfunction(s)

Most of my close friends have already guessed what I am going to talk about here; Of course you guys are right.

Buckle up, We are going down the memory lane. So before starting, in my defence, I would like to add that I have huge quads and 🍑. Can’t help. Pros of having huge quads is great lifting abilities —Wait for upcoming stories 👀.

The Genesis

So this in 2012, when I was in eighth standard and I just change my school. Basically people were still to make up what kind of a person I was, and I was very conscious about making that image of mine, specially in front of my crush 🤣🥰

So every Thursday we had assembly and we also had to wear kets — Those white shoes, usually ‘cleaned’ by rubbing chalk over. We had a four row seating plan and I sat in the second row.

My friends and I were all set to form the line and be at the ground after chalking our kets, But for some reason we decided to race to the front of the classroom, where the line was formed. The furniture in our classrooms where from the time when my father used to walk ten kilo-meters to be at his school, So there was a nail poking off the table, right next to mine.

Well, I believe you guys have figured out what happened next. Yes, I got my pant torn, not a small tear but the entire thing. YES! my school pants looked like this, but from sideways.

Well I did it before it was cool.

So what did I do? Well to be honest I was shaking, like WTF! how is this even possible. A chubby kid getting their pants torn is like the worst nightmare ever. But to my surprise I laughed it off, yes, I LAUGHED IT OFF.

It started when I got my pants torn, then my friend, Piyush, who sat next to me started laughing hysterically, which made me burst out too. Not going to lie but it was funny.

This was that moment of enlightenment, when I realised that “People react to your reaction to a particular situation

Games Period

Eleventh standard games period hit different. All of a sudden, Sports teachers became super chill, we could go to the ground whenever we wanted to, specially during English period — Well obviously we were not allowed to but 👀.

So this was when we practiced for our Physical Education’s practical, where we had to run 400 meters within certain time limit; I sucked at it, still suck at it 🤧.

Samir, Yogesh, Shubham, Priyansh and I were all set to start. My focus was just to finish that one round, that was my GOAL. So we did some stretching and was all set to start the run.

Well, not to forget this whole thing was happening in our school uniforms — Trousers and Shirt. So I hope you see where this is going, I mean the sub title itself was “Wardrobe malfunction”. So, as soon as I took the stance, WHOOSH! yes it happened again.

And again, we laughed hysterically. Now that I write this, Its more obvious that it was more of a friends thing rather than just confidence LOL. But we will focus on the Confidence aspect, as I have already started the blog 😤.

Went inside the classroom, got the stapler from the supplies and stapled the pant from inside and just sat the entire day that day. The Journey from Classroom to the bus was crucial, because although the pants were stapled, but the were not perfect and could fall off anytime. 🤓

Exploring International Waters

Well this took this whole series of getting your pants torn to a next level, or I should say to a different continent.

Jumping to my second day in Greece. It was a Saturday, and my roommate, Marc and I didn’t work on the weekends. So both of us collectively decided to go on a day trip to Cape Sounio. Cape Sounio, GR is famous for Temple of Poseidon and has exceptional views; well the entire country is amazing check my blog on my volunteering experience at Greece.

Photo by Lloyd Dirks on Unsplash

So yes, back to getting my pants torn, Oops did I spoil it? well as if y’all didn’t know what was going to happen. I was over excited and enthusiastic, jumping here and there to get the best shot possible, and guess what? I tripped and voila!

This wasn’t something what I expected on my 2nd day at Greece, but I was prepared for it, or I must say, I had enough experience to handle it. So, I told Marc, that we have a situation and he suggested we could sit at a nearby cafe for some time to figure out what to do next. I seriously thought I could pull this pant thing over the entire journey back to our hostel, but the only thing which changed this time, was the amount of confidence I had pulling off the torn look, I mean I perfected the art of wearing a torn pant, as if it was meant to be like that, and to my surprise people actually don’t give a crap about you (or your insecurity) until you are the one who focuses on that too much 🤧

My point is, your confidence might lie on how people perceive you or how you present yourself in front of them, the only trick here is, they don’t really know if you are actually confident or just trying to be confident (or they do LMAO, I really don’t care 😛). So, my suggestion here is to try acting confident (the ultimate hack) until you really are confident. Also, try to think less of what people think about you, people really don’t have time to think about other people; more blunt version of the earlier line: the world doesn’t revolve around you 🤷🏻‍♂️

Experience how being confident feels like, and then practice it.

